Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Made it!

We made it. Q and I via 2 days in an over packed Honda Element...

Road Trip to DC from tapirspoop on Vimeo.

K8 and Ozzi via 2 hours in a plane. Their trip may have been quicker but they didn't get to see the Goodyear Blimp. Then again they didn't have to drive through Gary, IN, all boarded up and burned out, looking for a place for a 4 year-old to poop.

The new apartment is very nice. The pool is great and the walk to the Metro is pretty quick. The apartment management has all sorts of community activities going on, which is great since most everyone here is with the Foreign Service. We've already met quite a few people in various stages of their FS lives. Today I took the boys to one of the play-times in the activities room and walked out with a play-date for Q on Thursday.

Yesterday we went to the Air and Space Museum having forgotten that it was the anniversary of the moon landing. Luckily we got in before the big crowds showed up. Q went bonkers over all the rockets and planes. Ozzi was less enthused. The significant historical day had several news crews in the museum trying to do their pieces. One lady from Fox News had the nerve to actually shush Ozzi as we walked past. Had we not needed to get home for Ozzi's nap we would have parked right next to them and let Ozzi scream his way through her entire taping.

Of course, all this fun doesn't meen that we don't miss our friends and family. We do, greatly.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet video, glad you all made it safe and sound!
