Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Peace Maker

"Papa, can you walk me all the way into school today?"
"Sure. Why?"

"The big kids were being mean and made me cry."

"Were they teasing you?"

"No, not me. The other littler kids."

"Um, so they weren't teasing you?"

"No. They were saying mean stuff like 'scaredy-cat' to the little girl."

"And that made you cry... them teasing other kids."


The trick is, how do I toughen him up so he isn't such easy pickings for bullies without discouraging his empathy and compassion which rivals that of Buddha himself. He may not have been the victim this time, but if he's that quick to tears, they'll pick up on that soon enough. Unfortunately, the Gracie Jiu Jitsu class at the Consulate is for 9 and up, because a martial arts class seems to be the best approach. At the very least, I'm glad he told me about it. I did my best to explain to him that it's up to him to be brave and stand up to bullies and tell them to stop... even if they are picking on someone else... even if the ones doing the teasing are his friends.

Besides that little incident before class one day, school has been great for Q. He really loves having all these new friends to play with every day. He even said he wanted to go on Sunday. Instead we visited the Western Wall....






... and left it standing for this guy who visited just hours after us.

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